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"12 · 12" Xi'an Incident large-scale live performance

陕旅集团打造一部以西安事变为题材的剧场演绎节目,并为该剧量身建设一座影剧院.西安事变影话剧院,剧院规划占地面积 1800㎡,总投资9000万。《12·12》西安事变大型实景影画,这是全国首创的“影画”节目表现形式,黑弓团队在1800平米的空间内,进行多维空间的影像配合,包括运动机械舞台,升降观众席,移动LED屏,升降开合背景幕等,多处用到mapping精准对位及移动跟踪,达到现代科技与文化景观融合、电影画面与舞台戏剧融合的创意效果。
Shaanxi Tour Group invested and developed the Xi'an incident show production as the theme of the theater interpretation program, and for the drama to build a theater. The theater covered an area of ​​1800 square meters, a total investment of 90 million. "12 · 12" Xi'an Incident large-scale live performance, which is the country's first "film" program form. Blackbow delivered the multimedia content creation via multi-dimensional in  the 1800 square meters of space including sports machinery stage, lift the audience, LED screen, lift the opening and closing background, etc., used to mapping precision alignment and mobile tracking technology  to achieve the integration of modern technology and cultural landscape, the film screen and stage drama fusion of creative effects.

影视团队: Blackbow

"12 · 12" Xi'an Incident large-scale live performance

Project Made For

"12 · 12" Xi'an Incident large-scale live performance
